Ethos and Educational Policy
St Aloysius' College is a Catholic post primary school offering quality education in a Christian environment to families who wish their daughters to be educated in the atmosphere of faith.
Our objective is to make the school community a happy one. Each pupil is encouraged to respect the dignity of the other person. Collaboration and co-operation is encouraged between pupils, teachers and parents which creates a partnership where personal growth and education can take place. Pupils are encouraged to recognise, develop and use their gifts and creativity in the service of others.
The aim of our school is twofold:
Firstly, to promote Christian values and to develop the uniqueness of the individual pupil in an atmosphere which is both academically challenging yet sensitive to the pupil's particular needs. Healthy competition is encouraged throughout the school whilst being sensitive to the needs of the less academic.
We also aim to assist pupils to appreciate other world religions and to allow them to engage in a quest for meaning and for a purpose in life.

Management & Trustees
The school is under the trusteeship of the Le Chéile Trust. A Board of Management is appointed by the Trustees for a three year term. The board comprises of eight members, four of which are nominated by the Trustees, two members are elected by parents and two members are elected by the staff. The day to day running of the school rests with the principal and under the new ISM Agreement staff hold Posts of responsibility. They share in the daily management tasks - Year Heads, Assistant Year Heads, Time-tabling, October Returns to the Department of Education and Science, Public Relations Officer, Co-ordinator of Cultural activities, the induction of new staff members and the integration of Higher Diploma students and the organisation of internal pre-examinations for Leaving and Junior Certificates.